Roof of the World: A Himalayan Adventure
Nature+Science Filmmaker and Presenter
B,Sc, M.Sc, F.R.G.S
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Unsure where to start? Try the 'Fracking England' Documentary...
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Is this the most beautiful & dramatic part of the Mediterranean?
The humble buttercup - who knew?
How can artificial intelligence help fight forest fires?
Deer do the strangest things - Story of The Rut.
Nature Moves into a Ghost Town
The COVID Memorial Labyrinth
Wildlife Photographer of the Year - Sneak Preview
Oak Tree Attacks. Can you help?
The First Fossil Fuel?
How do Trees Talk to Bees?
Micro-Adventure by Bike - Can You Guess Where?
The Sun-Moon-Stars Plant
Bluebells - 4 Fun Facts...
The Future of the Car - Looking Back to Look Forward.
Diversity and our connection to the British countryside.
When nature takes back the land - stumbling across an abandoned church
England's only natural UNESCO world heritage site. The Alternative Guide
Is this the most exciting way to see London?
Inside the U.K's Biggest Fish Market